
Tranquility Blend from our Gardens

We invite you to enjoy the Abundance from our Gardens!

Each year, as our gardens expand and evolve, we receive an abundance of plants. One of the ways we love to enjoy this abundance is by creating herbal infusions to drink. In consuming the plants as a tisane, our bodies are nourished and supported by the many medicinal and energetic properties.

In collaboration with our in-house herbalist, we have created these beautiful Infusions.

* Before purchasing, please consult with a healthcare practitioner if pregnant or breastfeeding.


A blend of Lemon Balm, Chamomile, and Lavender

This gentle infusion was created to soothe both the digestive system and the nervous system by bringing an intention of inner calm and peace of mind. The plants it contains are recognized for their digestive, calming effects. 


Add 1 Tbsp of well-mixed plants with 1 cup of hot water. Infuse for 5 - 10 minutes depending on desired strength. Gives about 20 portions. Filter and enjoy!

Can also be used for cold infusions and for culinary uses.

Please keep the bag sealed after use or store it in an airtight container.

This product has been packaged in a fully compostable bag suitable for home composting!

